The President of the Health Institutes of Türkiye (TÜSEB) Prof. Dr. Ümit Kervan, Vice Presidents Prof. Dr. Mehmet Birhan Yılmaz and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Sarğın came together with the association board members and member representatives at the high council meeting of the Association of Research Based Medical Technologies Manufacturers (ARTED). An evaluation meeting was held on TÜSEB’s future goals and current projects and possible collaborations with ARTED members. During the meeting, the value of TÜSEB’s public-benefit initiatives and their contribution to Türkiye health sciences was highlighted. Additionally, possible collaborations were discussed, focusing on the value ARTED members bring to Türkiye health ecosystem.
TÜSEB President Prof. Dr. Ümit Kervan, in his speech at the meeting, drew attention to the critical role TÜSEB plays in the field of health sciences and stated that they want to implement their motto “from idea to product” without interruption with the synergy they will create with sector players.