Health Policies Scientific Advisory Commission Information Meeting (regarding Health Financing) was organized under the chairmanship of Social Security Institution General Health Insurance General Manager Assoc. Dr. Eren Usul and moderated by Overseas Health Services Department Head, Specialist. Pharmac. Ayşegül Günbey Öztek. Social Security Institution, Ministry of Health, Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, Ministry of Treasury and Finance, World Health Organization, Universities, representatives of non-governmental organizations operating in the pharmaceutical, medical device and health services sectors attended the meeting.
The meeting which was represented by ARTED Vice Presidents of Economics Working Group Aybike Yıldırım and Funda Çopur and ARTED Secretary General Elif Özman Pusat, information was given about the Scientific Advisory Commission is planned to be established by Social Security Institution to develop macro policies on the financing of health services, and views were exchanged on the duties and working principles of the Commission in question.